Tito’s handmade VODKA!?

Today is April 10,  2020.
I finally got some time to write an entry on my diary so here we go!

Here is a picture with no context. I got VODKA! That’s all you get Diary! LOL (Thanks 🤣  )
👏  Next 👏 Topic.

Prints of Shuaa!

Not sure if you know this but these designs show Shuaa being all cute! These designs were made around 2013 by Germy! 
Here is how Shuaa looked before i met Germy lol!

I plan to give this prints out for free on Discord and/or as a reward here on megupets! It will only be sold IF i can get in touch with Germy and she is cool with it. In the meantime just keep an eye out for the freebies. Oh wait, COVID-19 is still a thing nvm lol. Let’s wait till this is all over and then we can keep an eye on the freebies ok? 😀 

Also check out her twitter!

Vinland Saga and website update.

Been reading this, i already watched the anime but i figured i would read the manga just to see how much content they cut out of the anime.
So far it’s good, not going to spoil any changes so yeah. I like how the ..wait nvm no spoilers!

Oh, i have been populating the site with the old content, right now there are about 35 entries on my diary from 2013-2015. It takes forever but i’m trying to make time to keep things rolling. My plan is to populate all the entries on my diary and then tackle le pets, assets and everything else. I still have to add a “Video” section and a “music” section as well.

That’s it for now! Hope you and your fam are doing fantastic!
Oh, hi Evan!