Adios 2021!

2021 was ok.
Hoping 2022 is better.

New design is almost done, you can see it over here. 

I will prob add the NFT section now that i have more space on the layout and whatever.
There will be a podcast section and vrchatstudios section as well.
Got rid of the header and footer cuz i want it to be as clean as possible.

What else..
Got myself a treadmill, it gets here in Jan 06 tho soooo.
I also got my hands on some halo infinite legos and will prob start working on those soon.

Got some mats for the living room as well so the treadmill does not damage the floor or whatever.
Spent some time on the river enjoying the sounds of nature.
Then a doggo spooked me cuz it was not on a leash and the owner was like “omg sorry”.
I will probably skip another gen of smartphones unless the galaxy s22 has something that it would make me “OMG I NEED IT”.
Happy with the note 10+ anyways.

I downloaded an app to make storyboards for the new episodes and here is the first storyboard i made.
It’s pancho vs idk who.

Tune of the Week

So let’s face it, this was never what you wanted
But I know that it’s fun to pretend
Our blank stares and empty threats
Are all I have
They’re all I have
So drown me and if you can
Or we could just have conversation
And I fall, I fall, I falter
I found you before I drift away
Now you still speak of day old hate
Though your whole world has gone up into flames
And isn’t it great to find that you’re really worth nothing
And how safe it is to feel safe
So drown me and if you can
Or we could just have conversation
And I fall, I fall, I falter
But I found you before I drift away
The things we do just to stay alive The things we do just to keep ourselves alive

That is it! See ya later.

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